


  1. 取得国内外高水平大学博士学位,具有国际高水平大学助理教授相当学术水平。
  2. 为所从事研究领域的青年拔尖人才,有成为该领域学术带头人的发展潜力,原则上能独立  发展一个符合学科发展要求的学术方向。
  3. 年龄一般在35周岁左右,获得博士学位七年之内。


  1. 岗位待遇:提供有竞争力的年薪(50万起)和科研启动经费,特殊情况实行“一人一议”。
  2. 住房资源:可以较低的价格租住学校周边教师公寓。晋升长聘教职后,如符合学校人才住房申购条件,可以优惠价格申购人才住房一套。
  3. 周边配套:优质的医疗教育资源,热闹繁华的商圈,风景宜人的景区。
  4. 工作环境:中心已有数名演化生物学领域顶尖学者,有良好的科研讨论和合作气氛。中心拥有固定优质的本科生、硕士生、博士生、和博士后资源,学生思维活跃。中心将提供满足课题所需的办公环境和实验空间。中心拥有完善的组学研究与分析平台。中心所在的校区不仅拥有完善的生命科学与医学相关学科,适合开展跨学科交流合作,而且与多个医学院附属医院建立良好的合作关系。中心鼓励国际交流,有广泛的国际合作基础。
  5. 团队建设:固定的博士生招生资格,校院统筹给予博士生招生名额支持。为课题组博士后提供优越的薪资条件。
  6. 服务保障:协助解决子女入学入托和配偶工作;协助办理落户、外国人永久居留证等。


1. 详细个人简历:自本科开始至申请之日连续的学习、工作简历,发表的论文、著作目录,主要教学、科研成绩,承担的科研项目、专利及获奖情况等。

2. 未来5年研究计划

3. 主要学术成就证明材料

4. 推荐信(最多3份)




Principle Investigator
The Center for Evolutionary & Organismal Biology at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China, invites applications from evolutionary scientists for All ranks, Assistant or Associate, Full-Professor. Applications from both Chinese and non-Chinese nationals are all welcomed and will be evaluated on experience and qualifications on an equal opportunity basis. Successful candidates must hold a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent degree and have demonstrated the potential to establish a vibrant independent research program.

The CEOB is a brand-new institute in China with a research focus on evolution. The center is hosted by the School of Medicine and receives strong support from the university and Zhejiang Province. The research disciplines in the center include but are not limited to, evolutionary developmental biology, evolutionary genomics, evolutionary medicine, experimental evolution, bioinformatics, and population genetics.

Each faculty member will receive an internationally competitive salary and start-up package that includes long-term and sufficient research funds, ample laboratory space, excellent equipment, and research support. The center already hosts several PIs in the fields of evolutionary genomics, computational biology, and evolutionary developmental biology. We offer

  1. State-of-the-art research space;
  2. A workplace that values diversity and promotes junior researchers;
  3. A young and internationally recognized, vibrant, and collaborative research environment;
  4. Highly-motivated student pool;
  5. The cutting-edge genomic and molecular biology facilities;
  6. International collaboration network.


  1. A very good doctorate (Ph.D/M.D) in the relevant research areas;
  2. A visible publication track record reflecting your scientific excellence and research focus;
  3. A convincing research concept and plan;
  4. A team player mentality, good communication skills, and the ability to successfully lead diverse international teams.


  1. Building an innovative team;
  2. Personal advancement skills to secure external funding;
  3. Enthusiasm in teaching and nursing the next generation of evolutionary biologists;
  4. Engagement in the academic self-administration of the center;
  5. Establishing cross-disciplinaries research programs in collaboration with researchers from other fields.

Application Instructions:

  1. Letter of motivation with a clear statement of why the center as a research location is interesting for you & where your career should take you;
  2. Curriculum vitae;-List of publications;-Copies of the certificates;
  3. Research concept including graphical abstract (max. 2 pages);
  4. References (max. 3).


May 31st, 2024


Prof. Guojie Zhang   guojiezhang@zju.edu.cn

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